Book Review: "Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success” By Sylvia Ann Hewlett

We hear a lot these days about executive presence but what exactly is it? According to Sylvia Ann Hewlett’s latest book “It’s an amalgam of qualities that telegraphs that you are in charge or deserve to be… it’s not a measure of performance… Rather it’s a measure of image: whether you signal to others that you have what it takes, that you’re star material.” Executive presence has three universal dimensions: how you act (gravitas), how you speak (communication), and how you look (appearance). Gravitas is the core characteristic with appearance being the minor component.

The book is full of relatable stories that support the detailed research conducted by her think tank, The Center for Talent Innovation. Whether you are just starting out in your career or are a corporate veteran this book is a great read. It’s not a stuffy research textbook but rather an insightful guide to what you can do to uplift your own level of executive presence and make a positive difference in your career trajectory.