Book Review: "Lead the Field" by Earl Nightingale
I’ve been reading this book over the last couple of weeks and it’s filled with excellent advice around personal development. As you reflect on your career path (or life path) to date, you will see that where you are today is due to a series of decisions and actions you’ve taken. Preceding all of those decisions and actions were a series of thoughts and as Earl Nightingale states, “You will become what you think about. If your thinking is circular and chaotic, your life will reflect that chaos. But if your thinking is orderly and clear, if you have a goal that is important for you to reach, then reach it you will.” Take the time to get your thinking clear and orderly around your career and sponsorship opportunities, whether you are looking for a sponsor or have the opportunity to become a sponsor of someone more junior. This book has clear action suggestions at the end of every chapter. If you completed each one you would undoubtedly benefit greatly, professionally and personally.