How Envisioning the Future Lets Opportunities Fall Into your Lap

Do you ever get surprised when things just seem to fall into your lap?

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been looking at my longer-term business plans, envisioning the future and developing a new picture for my business. Part of my plan involves researching and producing an insights paper on the “Female Brain Drain: Why Do Women Choose to Climb Off the Corporate Ladder?” Once the paper is written I will be able to use it as a business development tool and a focus for my speaking engagements.

Today someone called me to ask if I would speak at a conference next year on the subject of “Personal Branding.” With my renewed focus on key messages for my business and clarity on my offer, I politely declined as I explained that my attention was really focused on the female brain drain. To my surprise, the caller said, “Great, that sounds even more interesting. Can you talk about that instead? Go ahead and send me three key talking points by the end of the week.”

So, completely out of the blue I find myself with a speaking engagement and I didn’t even apply for it; it just fell into my lap!


Consider that we attract what we envision, creating a mental picture, seeing the way forward as if it’s already in place. Without that picture of the future, we drift and meander through life and we don’t see opportunities that pass right in front of us. A key activity I go through with my clients is the development of a personal and professional vision to create a technicolor picture of the future they want to manifest for themselves.

Nothing really happens by chance, things coincide for a reason. Armed with your picture, your compelling vision, you’ll know straight away what that reason is. When the opportunity to speak came up, it was way ahead of when I would have been actively looking for it, but I saw it for the opportunity it was because I knew it was part of my bigger picture. What are you missing out on because you haven’t designed your own picture of an amazing future?