Reflecting on Awesome
Most people have a never-ending “to-do” list and as things get scratched off, more things get added.
As we get towards the end of the year our natural tendency is to look ahead to the next one, to 2018, and to start developing goals and plans for the future, to start adding even more to your “to do” list.
However, what if we all just stop for a moment, and instead of rushing into what’s next, we actually think about what’s been. We rarely take the time to look back at what’s been delivered, what went well, what’s been learned.
Looking back and taking the time to be pleased with the progress, to pat yourself on the back for a job well done or a big hurdle overcome, to actually recognize your achievements, is a healthy habit to cultivate. It can act as a reminder that despite feeling like you’re at a standstill sometimes or even moving backward, overall there is always some degree of forwarding movement and progress. When you’re feeling overscheduled, overworked and overwhelmed, stop, take time to look back at where you started from 12 months before, and notice how far you have come – you will most likely be very pleasantly surprised.
On this theme, I was given a journal as a gift, The Journal of Awesome, designed by Neil Pasricha, author of the blog It acts as a reminder to me to reflect back and to notice when things are going well, no matter how small. Some of his examples of awesome are:
The sound of ice cubes cracking in a drink
Coming back to your own bed after a long trip
Tripping and realizing nobody saw you
When the vending machine gives you two things instead of one
Your first day in brand new underwear!
What are 5 awesome things you notice about your past year? Write them down and get into the habit of noticing something awesome about your life on a regular basis. As we approach the end of 2017, take time to reflect back on what has been, before you dive headlong into what is still to come.